I am thankful that my life is a good life.
- I am not currently fighting nor have I had to battle the big C -cancer. I have a very close friend who is currently waging that battle. I have the fullest respect for her and pray for her in that fight. And I believe with all my heart that she is going to beat it!
- I have not been touched by an accident that has had devastating effects on me or a close family member.
- As far as I know, I am not, nor is anyone in my immediate family, facing death (in the near future.)
- I am not currently facing financial ruin/devastation.
In other words, I am blessed with a good life and I know it and I am grateful for it!
BUT, (you knew there had to be one) my life is full of annoyances which I believe encroach on my happiness from day to day. Note, I said happiness, not joy!
It seems I find myself often to be too tired, too disgruntled, too wrung out emotionally to function.
- My house is terribly cluttered because I have been living for over two years in a house which due to water issues in the "finished" basement, is only half live-able! Okay, also because we are messy!
- Recently people, whom I love, have insulted me on various levels, whether it be the size of my body or the integrity of my soul.
- People withdraw relationship because I don't measure up to their standard.
All of these issues are hurtful and steal my equilibrium. But they aren't life threatening, at least as in the sense of mortality. My job is to not let them be life threatening in the sense of stealing my joy. Life is full of ups and downs. When the downs come, all I can do is hold on sometimes. Day to day life can be full of interruptions and detours or delays. Muddle through!
I know the outcome of this life and I'm good with it. Last night I said goodbye, along with her family and many mutual friends, to a fabulous Christian lady who won her battle with cancer when she went home with Jesus. She got her diagnosis in the first two months of this year and now she is gone from us. She was good with it also.
My goal is to live my life like that, I want to live with my family, friends, and church family as the center of my life and love. I want to share The Light with the world I live in and His Love with all whom I come in contact. And I live in hope because I know HIM! One of my favorite bloggers said it perfectly in her post that I read earlier today:
"Because through all the junk in our lives, the Lord has used the circumstances of where we live to teach us, to guide us, to get our attention." ~ The Nester found at http://www.thenester.com/
That is a promise (Romans 8: 28) from God, my Father, to help me through these day to day annoyances into a closer relationship with HIM while He transforms me into the image of His Son (II Corinthians 3:18.) What joy! Better than a lick and a promise! This is TRUTH that I can count on always! It's available to all; won't you join me on this journey in Christ?
Pressing on in Christ,
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